Individual Sessions $150 / 50-min session
These one-on-one sessions are an opportunity for you to be intentional with your grief. Together, we will work to process the pain you are experiencing, and work toward creating and maintaining a healthy connection to the person you lost. I use a variety of therapeutic techniques that range from basic grief counseling to Complicated Grief Treatment (CGT). We'll assess during your first session which approach will be the best fit for you and your grief.
Family Sessions $300 / 90-min session
Family members can sometimes isolate from one another during times of intense grief. Bringing everyone together for a family session can be an incredibly healing experience after a death or divorce. I create a safe space for families to come together and connect, share stories, and learn how to support one another as you adjust to life after your loss. In-home sessions are available.
Anniversary Rituals $150 / hr
Anniversaries, birthdays, and other special dates can bring up an array of emotions when you are grieving a loss. Many people dread certain dates and wonder how they'll get through them. Others long for a way to honor their person on these special occasions. We can work together to create a custom-built ritual to take place on or around your special date. Rituals can be done one-on-one or with friends and family included. I will lead you through activities and discussions that can strengthen your connection to each other and the person you lost. Rituals can take place in my office, your home, graveside, or at a nearby location that reminds you of the person you lost.
Clinical Supervision Contact for fee
As a licensed clinical social worker, I provide clinical support to Master of Social Work (MSW) interns as well as associate clinical social workers interested in gaining hours toward licensure. Contact me directly to discuss availability and fee structure.